Do not look for me where you look for most people.  Nothing I do involves daily or hourly updates, unless it’s winter and you count keeping the firewood bin stocked and the stove burning.  You can find my work here.  Over the years I have used many techniques to scratch at the surface of things.  I recorded the album Talampaya in 2005, I filmed the documentary The Second Conquest in 2006-7, and worked at FM ALAS community radio station from 2010-2019.  And I have taken photographs throughout.  Now I am primarily focused on the written word.  I write for various media in Argentina, the US and elsewhere in both English and Spanish, as well as having done translations.  Below is a selection. Articles are available in the original language of publication only.  

Hablan las mujeres mapuche detenidas

Testimonios de mujeres mapuche detenidas en un operativo militar en la Lof Lafken Winkul Mapu

 12 oct 2022

Tree plantations in Patagonia are the site of wildfires and land dispute

Pine plantations, wildfires, and Indigenous land rights. 

 July 2022 

Standoff in Patagonia

Traditional medicine and spirituality up against border restrictions and the struggle for land rights. 

 March 2022 

Cómo se vive en el territorio detras del cerco policial

Testimonios exclusivos de la zona sitiada por la policía de Río Negro

 7 nov 2021 

La cacería mapuche vuelve a comenzar

Un territorio recuperado en estado de sitio, donde la policía usa el hambre como arma de control territorial.

 6 oct 2021 

Taking Back Stolen Land

Mapuche communities reclaim territory and take on climate change.

 22 July 2020

Igualdad de condiciones

Los procesos judiciales, entre Mapuches que denuncian hostigamiento por terratenientes, y terratenientes que denuncian usurpación por Mapuches… 

 13 Septiembre 2019

Poisoning Eden

Mapuche communities and the Catholic church confront planned open-pit mining in Patagonia.

January 2012 
